Every weekend I drive from my residence by my college to my parents about an hour away. This is an amazing thing, and truly a blessing especially after having been too far away to do so for the past 4 years at my undergraduate university. There is one problem however. Like anything, the familiarity of this house brings with it past habits... namely my eating habits... particularly the amount I eat... specifically that I eat way to much with nearly zero inhibition as to health of said eats. Well, usually I anticipate this and try different things to psych myself up to fighting these familiar habits like: eat less leading up to the weekend, stay up late Friday night so I spend more time sleeping that eating, eat more leading up to the weekend... nothing really works. Well this weekend I accepted my fate, and went in to it knowing full well that I would succumb to the variety of foods at my family halloween party. I indulged Yesterday, but only to slight nausea and mild acid reflux. An improvement! Today, I managed to control my portions and feel incredibly good about my intake. I am excited to be propelled by this encouragement through my week. I find that like anything in life, it is important not to swing the pendulum to quickly (like in the sink or swim scenario I mentioned in an earlier post) as it tends to come swinging back rather quickly and to the opposite degree.
I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend and were able to participate in at least some healthy activity or successful diet management! Tomorrow I hit the gym on Leg Day 1, week 3. I know it is going to be a great success and very satisfying!
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