Friday, November 4, 2011

Workout Log Explained

Let me explain, as I feel that some of the understanding behind what I'm doing would be appreciated. We will go back to the exergensis of it all.

This past summer I engaged in a workout routine that brought me to a new place in healthy physique, confidence, and stamina. I was running quite a lot (for me, 4 to 6 miles at a time... judge ye not) at least in the beginning as I trained for a 5k obstacle course benefit for the Foundation for Fighting Blindness. During my training, likely because of my inexperience/ lack of participating in such exercise since childhood, I hurt my knee. I ran the race fine, but took it easy on the cardio after that. Lifting though was still something I could and wanted to do, and my best friend was an incredible motivator in helping me achieve advancement and actually getting me to go to the gym. As I alluded to, during this past summer I got to be in the best physical shape I had ever been in. Still, and not to demean my success, I would not say I was in fantastic shape, and less so where I have set my goals. Unfortunately, Seth (my best bosom) moved to Florida and in deep mourning and feeling enervated from the separation, I stopped going to the gym. Ok, that is not entirely why, but I did rely on him for a level of inspiration. Still, the real culprit was my evolving life which, amongst the loss of seth (R.I.P.), was moving, beginning graduate school, etc.. So, up until two weeks ago, I had been building a stability in survival and only went to the gym two or three times within two months. Now however, the spirit of Seth is upon me and I have also partnered with somebody who is equally motivating in going to the gym. In fact, the routine which I posted in my previous post and will be doing for a total of six weeks, is a compilation provided by her brother who is a fitness trainer.

To talk a little bit about this routine. It consists of a four day rotation with a 'cardio day' (loosely placed) between Day 2 and Day 3.

Day 1: Legs
Day 2: Chest and Back
Day 3: Arms and Shoulders
Day 4: Legs and Abs.

I am always up for trying something new, and I feel like this routine covers pretty much everything. I generally do a warm up jog for about 10 minutes, then I stretch all the areas I plan on working that day along with those I worked the day before.

As I go along and gain momentum, strategy, and time optimization, I hope you will see my attendance at the gym become much more regular, my knowledge and understanding developed, and a steady influx of health tips, theories, and inspiration attend this blog. As well as being a place to share knowledge, testimonies, and insight, I see this blog as a social experiment in how exercise evolves for someone, beginning with minimal health consciousness and routine to continuous consideration and a steady routine with defined goals. I do not have those goals yet, but I will. The driving force of this evolution I believe begins with an understanding of the importance of a health conscious life. The positive effects of applying effort to this is something that I see time and time again with my flux of determination in exercise. Without fail, a few weeks in to any routine I am more confident, more determined, etc etc, and most importantly, simply more excited about life. There are many ideas I'm just mentioning here  that I will flesh out in later blogs. Lastly, part of the reason I am starting slow and not just jumping into a rigorous regiment of exercise and conscious eating is that this has never proven to be an effective method of change for me. Often times throwing yourself into a sink-or-swim scenario like that results more in a sinking, as you realize you do not yet have the endurance or motivation you aspire to. Then a declining cycle begins that can easily drown you.

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